I am lame. By that I mean crippled. Obviously I am an awesome person but I still can't support my weight on my left foot. Last month I got into an accident that resulted in an open fracture. 2 ankle bones and my tibia broke. The doctor today said I'd be up and running if it weren't for the split ligaments. I had no idea my ligaments had been split because I couldn't understand the doctor's in England jargon, and the second surgeon basically told me nothing. So I realized how little I knew about it ("broken ankle") and did some research on Fractures.
Fractures can also result from low-energy trauma such as stress fractures or from repetitive impact as in jogging. Fractures from low-energytrauma are often stable and minimally displaced. A high-energy injury (direct blow, gunshot wound, motor vehicle accident) is more likely to cause trauma to the surrounding soft tissues (muscle, ligaments, blood vessels, and nerves).
So the tibia is the most commonly fractured long bone. And my ligaments being so tender and all need to completely heal before I can put weight on them. Hello 4 more weeks of crutches.
Things that are Good about Crutches:
-strong arms (if you allow yourself to be mobile, unlike me who has been really receptive to the spoiling of people around me)
-icebreaker for people you dont know. Have made countless friends from strangers curious about my huge swollen leg.
-Golf Cart
-Preferential cutting the line everywhere, but also treated like a "special person" which really gets on my nerves
Things that suck about crutches:
-Can't carry a cup of water 2 feet
-Can't carry anything
-Showering becomes a pain in the ass
-lopsided body weight disposition. Also my right calf is about 1 1/2 times bigger than my left
-ape hair (thanks ariel) leg
So......thats it for my first blog post.
Pictures of Me on Crutches (Last summer and this summer): at least I still party? Also, my hair was really blonde last summer