Saturday, March 23, 2013

this train is puffing along, no pun intended. I'm learning more from it and determined to finish it even though I have a million things to do right now. I'm swamped with trying to finish up my portfolio for my two classes, not just to finish but to be able to submit to internships, but after it's done I'll probably not even know what to do with all the free time.  (#lifeafterapril6)

So initially I had blocked everything in with blank colors, but I learned that to cover over the train wasn't so effective because I couldn't see underneath. so I have a light layer (opacity %50) underneath for composition reference while I take a full-color version to the side for color reference. I do block out the darker areas first, then midtones and highlights, but I keep checking to see what it looks like with no reference behind it so that I don't accidentally leave too much white space. I'm pretty ADD with certain areas, I have to keep skipping around, so I can't really imagine what this would be like if I traditionally painted it in oil or something. Sooo many brushes! 

Update: I looked at it after I posted it up and you can really see the areas that I did a few days ago and today (basically the top vs bottom half). I'm going to loosen up and start using a bigger brush. 

Im kind of afraid of finishing it or at least blocking in everything, because then I might not go back and go over areas that need another run over. 

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