Monday, May 28, 2012


ok so for the LONGEST time I've wanted to make something fun with pony beads. I got the idea when my friends and I were making bracelets before ETD POP 2012. 

I then utilized this craft further when the key for the pod on top of my car wouldn't come out, and we were due to drive from LA to Palo Alto. It would have been really bad if the pod flew up on that road trip. 

Secured and Solved! 

Then I taught myself how to make a cuff: 

Then I started out with the idea of making a vinyl record. 

Attempt #1

This started from the center, around a bracelet, and grew outward. It didn't work because as it expanded, it grew big holes in certain spaces and it wouldn't lay flat. 

I started over, using a peyote-bead stringing method (going across by rows). It was hard to come up with a perfect circle design, but ultimately I found some helpful sites and tutorials. 

Final Result

The record "melts" off like a Dali-esque clock. I hired my friend and we did a photoshoot. So fun and thrilled to have completed and designed my first art-director projected! 

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